Well yesterday I was reminded how awful of a mother I am. I can see it now. One day my sweet little petunia will come to me and ask me for her baby book so that she can see what she was like as a baby. The best that I will be able to come up with is a shoebox stuffed with her hospital bracelet and an occasional doctor visit record. It seems like everyday I wake up thinking I really need to put down some of these funny things the kids say in one of those very expensive books that I bought each time I was pregnant hoping that I would fill it in. My poor son just has his foot prints in his book and that's it! Anyway yesterday I was at my neighborhood playgroup and one of the girls was talking about how her mother never wrote in her baby book and how upset she was. She said that it took her a long time to get over it! So that brought on the mommy guilt that made me write this post. At least one day maybe my kids will read this and know that yes I did want to document their existence. I love you little monkeys!
As far as Little Petunia Designs goes. Things are going well. Today I was mailing an order and the little shop that I was mailing it in asked if I would be willing to let them sell my creations in their store. I have to chuckle now that they would ask if I would let them. Heck I would beg them to do it. lol I have a ton of new things to get up here for you to see including my new spring line. I just need to download the 283 pictures that are on my camera first. Till next time...