Thursday, January 16, 2014

Happy Anniversary

Today is a very special day for me! Five years ago I decided to take a journey into running my own business. Now there are days that I don't want to be legit and file my taxes and keep up with receipts. (I should show you my filing system - so shameful!) But I wouldn't trade the satisfaction of knowing that I am helping to provide for my family and raise some pretty awesome little humans at the same time. Best of both worlds!


My 1K Giveaway starts TODAY!! It will run for a week and I am celebrating some pretty big milestones. I've just gotten 1000 facebook followers. My shop turns 5 today! AND yesterday my shop made it's 1000th sale! Talk about perfect timing.

Onto the guts of the giveaway. You can check out the amazing raffle prizes here..

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To enter you have a ton of options that you can do every day until the end of the giveaway. You can tweet, like on facebook, pin a picture, follow a pin board, comment on this blog!

Pin this Picture

After the giveaway the winners will be drawn at random and contacted. Have fun and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the amazing support.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

When the cats away...

Generally when someone uses that analogy they are speaking about when the adult is away. I wonder if this eludes to my maturity level that I am saying my kids are the cat and I am the mouse...

At this moment my children are eating their hormone free turkey sandwiches on whole grain bread. The sandwich is accompanied with cucumbers, strawberries and carrots (all organic of course). They are washing down their little lunches with a bottle of water.

Meanwhile I sit here with my ramen noodles, venti Starbucks and a handful of oatmeal raisin cookies while I email back customers.

Hmmm I'm such a hypocrite.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

LPD version 5.0

Well we've been here before...

Once again I sit in front of a blank screen with my head held in shame that I've neglected my blog...AGAIN.

Ehh you guys don't really hold it against me though, right?

It always amazes me that I let the fun stuff go once I get really busy. I'm going to try my hardest to be better. In the interim though I'll catch you up on what's been going on with me since May.

I took my family to Disney - shocker right! Now it's no surprise that we visited that Magical Place but what is the surprise is that little ole me bank rolled that puppy. I am completely humbled that people trust my abilities enough to order from me. I can't thank you enough. And the ones that keep coming back for more - yeah you are my Venti Raspberry White Mocha. {yes I relate happiness to full fat Starbucks - I'm on a diet - cut me some slack}

I was going to insert a really cute photo of my family from said trip but my little gremlin has the strangest face in the photo - so I will refrain.

Speaking of little ole me...I've gone on a diet. My profile pic on etsy was really, really starting to make me want to puke. You know how some people say they always see themselves as overweight even after they lose a lot. Yeah not so much for me. I have always seen myself as the size 0 that my high school sweetheart met me as. Now I'm guessing that on some level that is probably a great thing for me in some self image sort of way but yeah I haven't been a 0 in a loooong time. So this past May I decided to eat less and move more. As of today I have lost 45 pounds and gained a terrible shopping habit ;) I still have a lot more left to go but I feel amazing and I'm insanely proud of myself. 

Now for the love of all things holy I can't believe I'm doing this is my most recent B/A.

If you can't tell a difference - keep it to yourself ;)

I've rekindled my love of reading. Wow I can't believe I went 10 years without reading a book on a regular basis. Now I'm reading every day. Seriously mothers out there - take time for yourself. It makes you a better you when you take time for yourself. Hmm I used you 4 times there. I'm sure I'm breaking some poor writers heart with my terrible grammar and sentence structure...I'm sorry.

Now in the next weeks I'll be doing my gigantic giveaway. More on that later.